Frozen Fruit Syrup

Frozen Fruit Syrup | Homan at Home

I think I’ve told this story once or twice before, but this is yet another hold out from my college Sundays. My roommates and I would make gorgeous, fluffy waffles, and then a special syrup (no boring maple and butter in our apartment!). I’m still not sure which one is my favorite, but this fruit syrup definitely holds a special place in my heart. 

I really love that it uses frozen fruit, especially since I’m an Alaskan girl, and any Alaskan can tell you that fruit – well, produce in general – is not that great up there. The fact that this makes a delicious and yummy syrup from something I can get year round and relatively cheaply makes this a top notch recipe in my book. Oh, and did I mention it only uses three ingredients?

It can be made with just about any fruit, although my favorites include peach, strawberry, raspberry, blueberry, and huckleberry. Strawberry is the one in the pictures, since that’s my husband’s favorite. Mixed berry is pretty awesome too. I’ve never tried anything tropical, but I don’t see why it wouldn’t work…

Frozen Fruit Syrup | Homan at Home


Fruit Syrup

A delicious and simple fruit syrup that's sure to impress!
Cook Time 15 minutes
Total Time 15 minutes
Servings 8


  • 4 cups frozen fruit
  • 8 Tbsp butter
  • 1 cup powdered sugar


  • In saucepan, melt the fruit. Squash it to the desired texture.
  • Add butter and powdered sugar and heat through. Serve over waffles or pancakes.


You can vary the amount of powdered sugar to vary the sweetness. You don't even need it if the natural fruit flavor is sweet enough for you!

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Frozen Fruit Syrup | Homan at Home

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