Gumdrop Cookie Flowers

Gumdrop Cookie Flowers | Homan at Home


The title really says it all with these guys. It’s flowers made of cookies and gumdrops. That’s it. There’s no secret. But aren’t they cute, folks? 

This has been a long-time Mother’s Day standby for my family. It’s so easy, even the smallest kids can do it with a little adult supervision, and the product is adorable, fun, and delicious. These are the best kind of projects!

Gumdrop Cookie Flowers | Homan at Home


To make this, you just need a few simple items. I used butter cookies, which are already shaped like flowers. This makes the project even simpler, but for you DIY-from-the-ground-up folks, this will work with sugar cookies shaped like flowers (this is a great sugar cookie recipe that will not spread during baking). If you’re up for super fancy, you can even decorate your sugar cookies before pressing them onto the skewers. Just remember to leave a little hole when you cut them before baking. If you don’t, you’ll risk breaking your hard work when you go to put them on the skewers. 

Other than that, you’ll need gumdrops (or spice drops. Is there a difference?) and skewers. You’ll press the first gumdrop onto the skewer like so:

Gumdrop Cookie Flowers | Homan at Home


Then press a cookie and another gumdrop on top to hide the pointy end. If this isn’t the easiest project ever, then I don’t know what is.

Gumdrop Cookie Flowers | Homan at Home


They’re colorful, they’re simple, they’re you’re own bouquet of edible Mother’s Day fun!

Gumdrop Cookie Flowers | Homan at Home


Now I just need to find something as cute and fun for Father’s Day. Got any ideas?

Have any great Father’s or Mother’s Day ideas? Leave a comment and let us know!

Gumdrop Cookie Flowers | Homan at Home


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