Truffle Bunnies Gift and Printable

Truffle Bunnies Free Printable Easter Gift | Homan at Home

I can’t take credit for this idea. I wish I could. My mom is the genius behind using truffles as bunny tails – and it is a great idea! I mean, not only does the fluffy wrapper indicate that someone has gifted you chocolaty goodness, but they just look so dang cute. Here’s the front:Truffle Bunnies Gift with Free Printable | Homan at Home

The instructions are simple – print the printable, cut out the bunnies, fold on the dotted lines, then cut out the tail and insert a truffle. You can tape or glue to the top together to make your bunnies stand up. I’m a big fan of the white chocolate Lindor truffles because they have that pretty golden color to them. I tried to convince my husband to buy the coconut cream ones (they’re a lovely shade of pastel blue), but he wasn’t buying it. There’s a reason you don’t see anything coconut flavored on this blog, and his name is not Alex 🙂

Anyway, here’s the printable. It comes in yellow and green. Just click on the image below to go to the printable pdf file. 

Truffle Bunnies Gift with Free Printable | Homan at Home

These are super simple and kind of adorable. They’re perfect for gifts for co-workers or neighbors!

What’s your favorite Easter candy? Leave a comment and let us know!

Truffle Bunnies Gift with Free Printable | Homan at Home




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  1. These are so cute! And that’s some good candy too. I can’t imagine anyone not being thrilled to get such a fun little surprise.

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